My first (and last?) post - Luca Bolognese

My first (and last?) post

Luca -

☕ 1 min. read

Hello folks,

My crazy cowork­ers fi­nally con­vinced me to get my own blog. They think I’ll say some­thing funny, but I won’t - so don’t link to me - it’s prob­a­bly not worth it. For the few per­se­ver­ant ones, here is what I plan to talk about: ob­ject ori­en­ta­tion, c#, sports, fi­nan­cial stuff and books (not in that or­der). See you later.


BTW: strange how this blog thing re­duces the com­plex­ity of one’s per­son­al­ity to a bunch of cat­e­gories on the left of the screen



joseph ivanov - fhreak


Congratulations. A C# bloggers is always wellcome in my blogrolling list.

You could talk about Object Spaces..?

Luca Bolognese


The subject of ObjectSpaces may come up occasionally ...

Tell us again how the OS team managed to dramatically reduce OPath complexity by changing the 's to .'s?? ;)

William Luu


I don't think you should limit yourself to just those categories...
I mean, you could always put up a "General" or "Misc" category for everything else...

Luca Bolognese


Yeah, people alway like the 's to .'s story. Now I'll have to come up with another joke...

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