Writing functional code in C++ II – Function composition - Luca Bolognese

Writing functional code in C++ II – Function composition

Luca -

☕ 4 min. read

Function com­po­si­tion is at the core of func­tional pro­gram­ming. You start by be­ing very con­fi­dent that cer­tain very small func­tions are cor­rect, you com­pose them in well known ways and you end up be­ing very con­fi­dent that your fi­nal pro­gram is cor­rect.

You are very con­fi­dent that the ini­tial func­tions are cor­rect be­cause they are very small and side ef­fect free. You are very con­fi­dent that your pro­gram is cor­rect be­cause the means of com­po­si­tion are well known and gen­er­ate func­tions that are them­selves side ef­fect free.

Such almost prim­i­tive’ func­tions op­er­ate on data struc­tures. Each func­tional lan­guage has its own set of data struc­tures and almost prim­i­tive’ func­tions. Probably the most fa­mous ones are con­tained in the haskell pre­lude, but F# has sim­i­lar ones. LINQ in C# is just such a set.

In this ar­ti­cle I use the term func­tional com­po­si­tion in a broad sense as putting func­tions to­geth­er’, not in the more tech­ni­cal sense of f(g(x)): dot op­er­a­tor in Haskell or >>’ op­er­a­tor in F#.

Code for this post is here. Thanks to Steve Bower and Andy Sawyer for re­view and com­ments.

Here is an ex­am­ple. The F# code be­low fil­ters in the odd num­bers from an ar­ray and dou­bles them. You have two log­i­cal op­er­a­tions, fil­ter­ing and dou­bling.

let v = [|1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;0|]
let transformed =
    |> Seq.filter(fun i -> i % 2 = 0)
    |> Seq.map ((*) 2)

How would the code look in C++? There are many ways. One is the big fat for loop’, or in C++ 11, for each:

    const int tmp[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0};
    const vector<int> v(&tmp[0], &tmp[10]);
    vector<int> filtered;
    for(auto i: v)
        if(i % 2 == 0)
            filtered.push_back(i * 2);

This looks sim­ple enough, apart from the ini­tial­iza­tion syn­tax that gets bet­ter with C++ 11. But it’s sim­plic­ity is mis­lead­ing. We have now lost the in­for­ma­tion that our com­pu­ta­tion is com­posed by a fil­ter and a map. It’s all in­ter­min­gled. Obviously, the info is still there in some sense, but you need to read each line in your head and fig­ure out the struc­ture on your own. It is not read­ily ap­par­ent to the reader.

Obviously, things get much worse in a large pro­gram com­posed of sev­eral loops where each one does not triv­ial stuff. As for me, every time I in­dulge into the big fat for loop pat­tern’, I end up re­gret­ting it ei­ther im­me­di­ately or af­ter some time when I have to make changes to the code. So I try to avoid it.

Wait a minute, you might say, what about STL al­go­rithms? Aren’t you sup­posed to use those?

The syn­tax to call them is not very com­po­si­tional. You can­not take the re­sult of an al­go­rithm and pass it to an­other eas­ily. It is dif­fi­cult to chain them that way. Everything takes two it­er­a­tors, even if 99% of the times you are just us­ing be­gin and end. Moreover, you have to cre­ate all sort of tem­po­rary data struc­tures for the sake of not mod­i­fy­ing your orig­i­nal one. Once you have done all of that, the syn­tac­tic weight of your code over­whelm the sim­plic­ity of what you are try­ing to do.

For ex­am­ple, here is the same code us­ing transform’ for the map’ part of the al­go­rithm:

    vector<int> filtered;
    copy_if(begin(v), end(v), back_inserter(filtered), [](int x) { return x % 2 == 0;});
    vector<int> transformed;
    transform(begin(filtered), end(filtered), back_inserter(transformed), [](int x) { return x * 2;});

I’m not ar­gu­ing that STL is a bad li­brary, I think it is a great one. It’s just that its syn­tax is not very com­po­si­tional. And that breaks the magic.

Luckily, help is on the way in the form of the Range li­brary and OvenToBoost. These li­braries pack’ the two it­er­a­tors in a sin­gle struc­ture and over­ride the |’ op­er­a­tor to come up with some­thing as be­low:

    auto result =
        | filtered(   [] (int i) { return i % 2 == 0;})
        | transformed([] (int i) { return i * 2;});

If you use Boost lamb­das (not sure I’d do that), the syn­tax gets even bet­ter:

    auto result =
        | filtered(   _1 % 2 == 0)
        | transformed(_1 * 2);

Ok, so we re­gained com­po­si­tion­al­ity and clar­ity, but what price are we pay­ing? Apart from the de­pen­dency from Boost::Range and OvenToBoost, you might think that this code would be slower than a nor­mal for loop. And you would be right. But maybe not by as much as you would think.

The code for my test is here. I’m test­ing the perf dif­fer­ence be­tween the fol­low­ing code en­gi­neered to put in a bad light the most pleas­ing syn­tax. A for loop:

        int sum = 0;
        for(vector<int>::const_iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it)
            if(*it < 50)
                sum += *it * 2;
        return sum;

A Range based code us­ing lan­guage lamb­das (transformedF is a vari­a­tion of this):

        auto lessThan50 = v | filtered(    [](int i) { return i < 50;})
                            | transformedF([] (int i) { return i * 2;});
        return boost::accumulate (lessThan50, 0);

A Range based code us­ing two func­tors:

        auto lessThan50 = v | filtered(Filterer())
                            | transformed(Doubler());
        return boost::accumulate (lessThan50, 0);


struct Doubler {
    typedef int result_type;
    int operator() (int i) const { return i * 2;}
struct Filterer {
    typedef int result_type;
    bool operator() (int i) const { return i < 50;}

a Range based code us­ing Boost lamb­das:

        auto lessThan50 = v | filtered(_1 < 50)
                            | transformed(_1 * 2);
        return boost::accumulate (lessThan50, 0);

And fi­nally, some code us­ing the STL for_each func­tion:

        int sum = 0;
        std::for_each( v.cbegin(), v.cend(),
            [&](int i){
                if( i < 50 ) sum += i*2;
        return sum;

Notice that I need to run the test an hu­mon­gous num­ber of times (10000000) on a 100 in­te­gers ar­ray to start see­ing some con­sis­tency in re­sults. 
And the dif­fer­ences that I see (in nanosecs be­low) are not huge:

1>                         Language lambda: {1775645516;1778411400;0}
1>                          Functor lambda: {1433377701;1435209200;0}
1>                            Boost lambda: {1327829199;1326008500;0}
1>                                For loop: {1338268336;1341608600;0}
1>                             STL foreach: {1338268336;1341608600;0}

True to be told, by chang­ing the code a bit these num­bers vary and, in some con­fig­u­ra­tions, the Range code takes twice as long.

But given how many rep­e­ti­tions of the test I need to run to no­tice the dif­fer­ence, I’d say that in most sce­nar­ios you should be ok.

The |>’ op­er­a­tor over col­lec­tions is the kind of func­tional com­po­si­tion, broadly de­fined, that I use the most, but you cer­tainly can use it over other things as well. You’d like to write some­thing like the be­low:

    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pipe("bobby", strlen, boost::lexical_cast<string, int>), "5");

And you can, once you de­fine the fol­low­ing:

    template< class A, class F1, class F2 >
    inline auto pipe(const A & a, const F1 & f1, const F2 & f2)
        -> decltype(REMOVE_REF_BUG(f2(f1(a)))) {
        return f2(f1(a));

Where REMOVE_REF_BUG is a workaround for a bug in the de­cltype im­ple­men­ta­tion un­der msvc (it should be fixed in VS 11):

    #ifdef _MSC_VER
        #define REMOVE_REF_BUG(...) remove_reference<decltype(__VA_ARGS__)>::type()
        #define REMOVE_REF_BUG(...) __VA_ARGS__

I did­n’t do the work of cre­at­ing >>’ , <<’ and <|’ F# op­er­a­tors or wrap­ping the whole lot with bet­ter syn­tax (i.e. op­er­a­tor over­load­ing?), but it cer­tainly can be done.

Now that we have a good syn­tax for records and a good syn­tax for op­er­at­ing over col­lec­tions, the next in­stal­ment will put them to­gether and try to an­swer the ques­tion: how should I cre­ate col­lec­tions of records and op­er­ate over them?



Richard Polton


Hi, since I've known enough to understand the difference, my preference has always been for functional-style programming and I particularly enjoyed the STL when I discovered it way back when I was actively writing new C++ code. It has been, therefore, very interesting and refreshing to read your article and see a modern take on those things I was thinking about and on occasion doing, so many thanks for that. I have constructed the same sort of framework in C# recently, originally in .NET2.0 and latterly using .NET3.5. For example I have defined a '>' operator for currying function arguments, which I like and, for the same reasons as it exists in F#, think it adds to the readability of the code. It's interesting to contrast my C# with your C++ - we're doing similar things but the language leads us in different directions.

Thanks for the kind words. LINQ brings functional programming to C#, but not currying. Frankly, I don't use curry all that much myself, probably I've not yet fully embraced the Haskell style of 'extreme function composition'. Well, one thing at the time ...

Richard Polton


Hi, your reply prompted a further thought: if you don't use currying 'all that much' do you use any heuristics to determine how to order your function parameters? I have found that, through currying considerations, I tend to construct my functions with their arguments in reverse order to many of my colleagues because I almost always place the most frequently-changing parameter at the end. It's difficult to deduce the answer from your article because the functions all seem to be functions of one parameter :-)

Yours is a technically sound strategy. I tend to put the most obvious parameters upfront, the ones that whatever user of the function would naturally expect. I then put the others, defaulted to something sensible if it exists. Maybe that's why I don't use currying all that much, because it doesn't naturally put the most important things first, which strongly appeals to my aesthetic sense.

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