Exceptions vs. Return Values to represent errors (in F#) – IV – Implementation - Luca Bolognese

Exceptions vs. Return Values to represent errors (in F#) – IV – Implementation

Luca -

☕ 3 min. read

The Critical monad is de­fined as fol­lows. First there is the type that prop­a­gates through the monad:

type Result<'a, 'b> =
| Success of 'a
| Failure of 'b

Then we de­fine the usual com­pu­ta­tion ex­pres­sion meth­ods.

type Critical() =
       // a -> m a
        member o.Return x       = Success x
        // m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
        member o.Bind (m, f)    = match m with
                                    | Failure e -> Failure e
                                    | Success x -> f x
        // m a -> m a
        member o.ReturnFrom m   = m

Explaining how com­pu­ta­tional ex­pres­sions work in F# is a blog onto it­self. And sev­eral chap­ters in many books. Sufficient to say that con­cep­tu­ally this prop­a­gates the suc­cess value and re­turns the fail­ure value.

We then de­fine an in­stance of this type, so that we can use the nice critical { … }’ syn­tax.

let critical = Critical()

We then go and de­fine the func­tions that the user needs to use to an­no­tate their func­tion calls. The sim­plest one is the one to prop­a­gate any ex­cep­tion com­ing from the func­tion f’.

let fault f = f

Then it comes the one to man­age con­tin­gen­cies. This will trap any ex­cep­tion for which stopF ex’ is true’, call errF ex’ to con­struct the er­ror re­turn value and wrap it in a Failure’. Otherwise it will rethrow the ex­cep­tion.

let contingentGen stopF errF f =
        Success(f ())
        | ex when stopF ex -> Failure(errF ex)
        | _                -> reraise ()

Albeit very sim­ple, the above is the core of the sys­tem. Everything else is just de­tails. Let’s look at them.

First we want a func­tion that takes as pa­ra­me­ter a list of (Exception, ReturnValue) and gives back the cor­rect stopF errF to plug into contingentGen’.

let exceptionMapToFuncs exMap =
    let tryFind ex = exMap |> List.tryFind (fun (k, _) -> k.GetType() = ex.GetType())
    (fun ex ->
        let found = tryFind ex
        match found with Some(_) -> true | None -> false),
    (fun ex ->
        let found = tryFind ex
        match found with
        | Some(k, v)    -> v ex
        | None          -> raise ex)

Then ug­li­ness comes. For the sake of get­ting a de­cent syn­tax (not great) on the call­ing site, we need to fake over­load­ing of func­tions by the old trick of adding a num­ber at the end. Thanks to Tobias to point out this (my api was even worse ear­lier).

I of­ten won­dered about the trade-off be­tween cur­ry­ing and over­load­ing for func­tions. I seem to al­ways paint my­self in a sit­u­a­tion where I need over­load­ing. In any case, here it goes:

let contingent1 exMap f x =
    let stopF, errF = exceptionMapToFuncs exMap
    contingentGen stopF errF (fun _ -> f x)
let contingent2 exMap f x y =
    let stopF, errF = exceptionMapToFuncs exMap
    contingentGen stopF errF (fun _ -> f x y)
let contingent3 exMap f x y z =
    let stopF, errF = exceptionMapToFuncs exMap
    contingentGen stopF errF (fun _ -> f x y z)

Sometimes you want to trap all ex­cep­tions from a func­tion and re­turn your own er­ror value:

let neverThrow1 exc f x     = contingentGen (fun _ -> true) (fun ex -> exc ex) (fun _ -> f x)
let neverThrow2 exc f x y   = contingentGen (fun _ -> true) (fun ex -> exc ex) (fun _ -> f x y)
let neverThrow3 exc f x y z = contingentGen (fun _ -> true) (fun ex -> exc ex) (fun _ -> f x y z)

Other times you need to go from a func­tion that re­turns re­turn val­ues to one that throws ex­cep­tions. You need trans­lat­ing from con­tin­gen­cies to faults:

let alwaysThrow exc f x =
    match f x with
    | Success(ret)              -> ret
    | Failure(e)                -> raise (exc e)

And that’s it. Hopefully we have bridged the gap be­tween ex­cep­tions and re­turn val­ues with­out mak­ing the code too ugly (just a lit­tle bit). Or per­haps not.

I need to add that I haven’t used this li­brary my­self (yet). I’m sure when I do I’ll dis­cover many things to change.



Vladimir Nikityuk (@rk4n)


Great topic. I've implemented similar kind of flow using iterator blocks in C#.
Currently thinking of using async\await capability because if you have method that does validation only it's ok to return IEnumerable, but what if I have a method which should return some value.
If you're interested we can discuss that.
also I've discovered validation done with applicative functors, that's another interesting thing as for me.

Mauricio Scheffer wrote about Validation with applicative functors
i've implemented f# Validation on top of hhhttp://code.google.com/p/...

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