Funky C for literate programming - Luca Bolognese

Funky C for literate programming

Luca -

☕☕☕☕☕ 23 min. read

Main ideas

This is a port of LLIte in C. The rea­son for it is to ex­per­i­ment with writ­ing func­tional code in stan­dard C and com­pare the ex­pe­ri­ence with us­ing a func­tional lan­guage like F#. It is in a way a con­tin­u­a­tion of my pre­vi­ous posts on the topic.

I will be us­ing glib and an header of con­ve­nient macros/​func­tions to help me (lutils.h). I don’t think that is cheat­ing. Any mod­ern C prati­coner has its bag of tricks …

Don’t tell me this is not id­iomatic C. I al­ready know that.

#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#include <glib.h>
#include <glib/gprintf.h>

#ifdef ARENA
#include "arena.h"

#include "lutils.h"

Lack of tu­ples

In the snip­pet be­low I over­comed such de­fi­ciency by de­clar­ing a struct. Using the new con­struc­tor syn­tax makes ini­tial­iz­ing a sta­tic table sim­ple.

typedef struct LangSymbols { char language[40]; char start[10]; char end[10];} LangSymbols;

LangSymbols* s_lang_params_table[] = {
&(LangSymbols) {.language = "fsharp", .start = "(*" "*", .end = "*" "*)"},
&(LangSymbols) {.language = "c", .start = "/*" "*", .end = "*" "*/"},
&(LangSymbols) {.language = "csharp", .start = "/*" "*", .end = "*" "*/"},
&(LangSymbols) {.language = "java", .start = "/*" "*", .end = "*" "*/"},

Folding over ar­rays

I need to gather all the lan­guages, aka per­form a fold over the ar­ray. You might have no­ticed the propen­sity to add a NULL ter­mi­na­tor marker to ar­rays (as for strings). This al­lows me to avoid pass­ing a size to func­tions and makes sim­pler writ­ing util­ity macros (as fore­ach be­low) more sim­ply.

In the rest of the pro­gram, every time I end a func­tion with _z, it is be­cause I con­sider it gen­er­ally us­able and I add a ver­sion of it with­out the _z to lu­tils.h.

#define array_foreach_z(p) for(; *symbols != NULL; ++symbols)

char* summary(LangSymbols** symbols) {

GString* langs = g_string_sized_new(20);
array_foreach(symbols) g_string_append_printf(langs, "%s ", (*symbols)->language);

g_string_truncate(langs, strlen(langs->str) - 1);

GString* usage = g_string_sized_new(100);

"You should specify:nt. either -l or -o and -pn"
"t. either -indent or -P and -Cn"
"t. -l supports: %s"

return usage->str;

Find an item in an ar­ray based on some ex­pres­sion. Returns NULL if not found. Again, this is a com­mon task, hence I’ll ab­stract it out with a macro (that ends up be­ing a cute use of gcc stat­ment ex­pres­sions).

#define array_find_z(arr, ...)                          
array_foreach(arr) if (__VA_ARGS__) break;

LangSymbols* lang_find_symbols(LangSymbols** symbols, char* lang) {

return array_find(symbols, !strcmp((*symbols)->language, lang));

Deallocating stuff

You might won­der why I don’t seem overly wor­ried about deal­lo­cat­ing the mem­ory that I al­lo­cate. I haven’t gone crazy(yet). You’ll see.

Discriminated unions

Here are the dis­crim­i­nated unions macros from a pre­vi­ous blog post of mine. I’ll need a cou­ple of these and pre-de­clare two func­tions.

union_decl(CodeSymbols, Indented, Surrounded)
union_type(Indented, int indentation;)
union_type(Surrounded, char* start_code; char* end_code;)

typedef struct Options {
char* start_narrative;
char* end_narrative;
CodeSymbols* code_symbols;
} Options;

gchar* translate(Options*, gchar*);

union_decl(Block, Code, Narrative)
union_type(Code, char* code)
union_type(Narrative, char* narrative)

Main data struc­ture

We want to use higher level ab­strac­tions that stan­dard C ar­rays, hence we’ll pick a con­ve­nient data struc­ture to use in the rest of the code. A queue lets you to in­sert at the front and back, with just a one pointer over­head over a sin­gle linked list. Hence it is my data struc­ture of choice for this pro­gram.

GQueue* blockize(Options*, char*);
There is already a function in glib to check if a string has a certain prefix (g_str_has_prefix). We need one that returns the remaining string after the prefix. We also define a g_slow_assert that is executed just if G_ENABLE_SLOW_ASSERT is defined

char* str_after_prefix(char* src, char* prefix) {
g_slow_assert(g_str_has_prefix(src, prefix));

while(*prefix != '0')
if(*src == *prefix) ++src, ++prefix;
else break;

return src;


The struc­ture of the func­tion is iden­ti­cal to the F# ver­sion. The big bread-win­ners are state­ment ex­pres­sions and lo­cal func­tions …

It is in­ter­est­ing how you can repli­cate the shape of an F# func­tion by sub­sti­tut­ing ternary op­er­a­tors for match state­ments.

It is noth­ing magic, just a way to have a case stat­ment as an ex­pres­sion, but it is sug­ges­tive of its more func­tional coun­ter­part.

#define NL "n"

union_decl(Token, OpenComment, CloseComment, Text)
union_type(OpenComment, int line)
union_type(CloseComment,int line)
union_type(Text, char* text)

GQueue* tokenize(Options* options, char* source) {

struct tuple { int line; GString* acc; char* rem;};

bool is_opening(char* src) { return g_str_has_prefix(src, options->start_narrative);}
bool is_closing(char* src) { return g_str_has_prefix(src, options->end_narrative);}
char* remaining_open (char* src){ return str_after_prefix(src, options->start_narrative);}
char* remaining_close(char* src){ return str_after_prefix(src, options->end_narrative);}

struct tuple text(char* src, GString* acc, int line) {
inline struct tuple stop_parse_text()
{ return (struct tuple) {.line = line, .acc = acc, .rem = src};}

return str_empty (src)? stop_parse_text() :
is_opening(src)? stop_parse_text() :
is_closing(src)? stop_parse_text() :
int line2 = g_str_has_prefix(src, NL) ? line + 1
: line;
GString* newAcc = g_string_append_c(acc, *src);
char* rem = src + 1;
text(rem, newAcc, line2);

GQueue* tokenize_rec(char* src, GQueue* acc, int line) {
return str_empty(src) ? acc :
is_opening(src) ? tokenize_rec(remaining_open(src),
g_queue_push_back(acc, union_new(
Token, OpenComment, .line = line)),
line) :
is_closing(src) ? tokenize_rec(remaining_close(src),
g_queue_push_back(acc, union_new(
Token, CloseComment, .line = line)),
line) :
struct tuple t = text(src, g_string_sized_new(200), line);
g_queue_push_back(acc, union_new(
Token, Text, .text = t.acc->str)), t.line);

return tokenize_rec(source, g_queue_new(), 1);


This again has a sim­i­lar struc­ture to the F# ver­sion, just longer. It is very long be­cause it con­tains 3 (nested) func­tions which are on the ver­bose side in C.

The cre­ation of a er­ror macro is un­for­tu­nate. I just don’t know how to adapt g_as­sert_e so that it works for not pointer re­turn­ing func­tions.

I also need a sim­ple func­tion re­port_er­ror to exit grace­fully giv­ing a mes­sage to the user. I did­n’t found such thing in glib (?)

#define report_error_z(...) G_STMT_START { g_print(__VA_ARGS__); exit(1); } G_STMT_END                                                            

union_decl(Chunk, NarrativeChunk, CodeChunk)
union_type(NarrativeChunk, GQueue* tokens)
union_type(CodeChunk, GQueue* tokens)

GQueue* parse(Options* options, GQueue* tokens) {

struct tuple { GQueue* acc; GQueue* rem;};

#define error(...)
({ report_error(__VA_ARGS__); (struct tuple) {.acc = NULL, .rem = NULL}; })

struct tuple parse_narrative(GQueue* acc, GQueue* rem) {

bool isEmpty = g_queue_is_empty(rem);
Token* h = g_queue_pop_head(rem);
GQueue* t = rem;

return isEmpty ?
error("You haven't closed your last narrative comment") :
h->kind == OpenComment ?
error("Don't open narrative comments inside narrative comments at line %i",
h->OpenComment.line) :
h->kind == CloseComment ? (struct tuple) {.acc = acc, .rem = t} :
h->kind == Text ? parse_narrative(g_queue_push_back(acc, h), t) :
error("Should never get here");

struct tuple parse_code(GQueue* acc, GQueue* rem) {

bool isEmpty = g_queue_is_empty(rem);
Token* h = g_queue_pop_head(rem);
GQueue* t = rem;

return isEmpty ? (struct tuple) {.acc = acc, .rem = t} :
h->kind == OpenComment ?
(struct tuple) {.acc = acc, .rem = g_queue_push_front(rem, h)} :
h->kind == CloseComment ? parse_code(g_queue_push_back(acc, h), rem) :
h->kind == Text ? parse_code(g_queue_push_back(acc, h), rem) :
error("Should never get here");
#undef error

GQueue* parse_rec(GQueue* acc, GQueue* rem) {

bool isEmpty = g_queue_is_empty(rem);
Token* h = g_queue_pop_head(rem);
GQueue* t = rem;

return isEmpty ? acc :
h->kind == OpenComment ? ({
GQueue* emp = g_queue_new();
struct tuple tu = parse_narrative(emp, t);
Chunk* ch = union_new(
Chunk, NarrativeChunk, .tokens = tu.acc );
GQueue* newQ = g_queue_push_back(acc, ch);
parse_rec(newQ, tu.rem);
}) :
h->kind == CloseComment ?
"Don't insert a close narrative comment at the start of your"
" program at line %i",
h->OpenComment.line) :
h->kind == Text ?
GQueue* emp = g_queue_new();
struct tuple tu =
parse_code(g_queue_push_front(emp, h), t);
union_new(Chunk, CodeChunk, .tokens = tu.acc)),
}) :

return parse_rec(g_queue_new(), tokens);


This fol­lows the usual prac­tice of rep­re­sent­ing fold as fore­ach stat­ments (and maps to). Pheraps I shall build bet­ter ab­strac­tions for them at some point. I also in­tro­duce a lit­tle macro to sim­plify writ­ing of GFunc lamb­das, given how per­va­sive they are.

Again, note how heavy ternary op­er­ated this is …

#define g_func_z(type, name, ...) lambda(void,                                              
(void* private_it, G_GNUC_UNUSED void* private_no){
type name = private_it;

GQueue* flatten(Options* options, GQueue* chunks) {
GString* token_to_string_narrative(Token* tok) {
return tok->kind == OpenComment ||
tok->kind == CloseComment ?
report_error_e("Cannot nest narrative comments at line %i",
tok->OpenComment.line) :
tok->kind == Text ? g_string_new(tok->Text.text) :
GString* token_to_string_code(Token* tok) {
return tok->kind == OpenComment ?
"Open narrative comment cannot be in code at line %i."
" Pheraps you have an open comment "
"in a code string before this comment tag?"
, tok->OpenComment.line) :
tok->kind == CloseComment ? g_string_new(options->end_narrative) :
tok->kind == Text ? g_string_new(tok->Text.text) :
Block* flatten_chunk(Chunk* ch) {
return ch->kind == NarrativeChunk ? ({
GQueue* tokens = ch->NarrativeChunk.tokens;
GString* res = g_string_sized_new(256);
g_queue_foreach(tokens, g_func(Token*, tok,
), NULL);
union_new(Block, Narrative, .narrative = res->str);
}) :
ch->kind == CodeChunk ? ({
GQueue* tokens = ch->CodeChunk.tokens;
GString* res = g_string_sized_new(256);
g_queue_foreach(tokens, g_func(Token*, tok,
), NULL);
union_new(Block, Code, .code = res->str);
}) :

GQueue* res = g_queue_new();
g_queue_foreach(chunks, g_func(Chunk*, ch,
Block* b = flatten_chunk(ch);
g_queue_push_tail(res, b);
) ,NULL);
return res;

Now we can tie every­thing to­gether to build block­ize, which is our parse tree.

GQueue* blockize(Options* options, char* source) {
GQueue* tokens = tokenize(options, source);
GQueue* blocks = parse(options, tokens);
return flatten(options, blocks);
10 Define the phases
In C you can easily forward declare function, so you don’t have to come up with some clever escabotage like we had to do in F#.

GQueue* remove_empty_blocks(Options*, GQueue*);
GQueue* merge_blocks(Options*, GQueue*);
GQueue* add_code_tags(Options*, GQueue*);

GQueue* process_phases(Options* options, GQueue* blocks) {

blocks = remove_empty_blocks(options, blocks);
blocks = merge_blocks(options, blocks);
blocks = add_code_tags(options, blocks);
return blocks;

char* extract(Block* b) {
return b->kind == Code ? b->Code.code :
b->kind == Narrative ? b->Narrative.narrative:

There must be a higher level way to write this util­ity func­tion …

bool is_str_all_spaces(const char* str) {
while(*str != '0') {
return false;
return true;

GQueue* remove_empty_blocks(G_GNUC_UNUSED Options* options, GQueue* blocks) {

g_queue_foreach(blocks, g_func(Block*, b,
g_queue_remove(blocks, b);
), NULL);
return blocks;

GQueue* merge_blocks(G_GNUC_UNUSED Options*options, GQueue* blocks) {
return g_queue_is_empty(blocks) ? blocks :
g_queue_get_length(blocks) == 1 ? blocks :
Block* h1 = g_queue_pop_head(blocks);
Block* h2 = g_queue_pop_head(blocks);
h1->kind == Code && h2->kind == Code ? ({
char* newCode =
g_strjoin("", h1->Code.code, NL, h2->Code.code, NULL);
Block* b = union_new(Block, Code, .code = newCode);
merge_blocks(options, g_queue_push_front(blocks, b));
}) :
h1->kind == Narrative && h2->kind == Narrative ? ({
char* newNarr =
"", h1->Narrative.narrative, NL, h2->Narrative.narrative, NULL);
Block* b = union_new(Block, Narrative, .narrative = newNarr);
merge_blocks(options, g_queue_push_front(blocks, b));
}) :
GQueue* newBlocks =
merge_blocks(options, g_queue_push_front(blocks, h2));
g_queue_push_front(newBlocks, h1);

This re­ally should be in glib …

inline static
gint g_asprintf_z(gchar** string, gchar const *format, ...) {
va_list argp;
va_start(argp, format);
gint bytes = g_vasprintf(string, format, argp);
return bytes;

char* indent(int n, char* s) {

char* ind = g_strnfill(n, ' ');
char* tmp;
g_asprintf(&tmp, "%s%s", ind, s);

char* withNl;
g_asprintf(&withNl, "n%s", ind);

return g_strjoinv(withNl, g_strsplit(tmp, NL, -1));
And finally I ended up defining map. See if you like how the usage looks in the function below.

#define g_queue_map_z(q, type, name, ...) ({
GQueue* private_res = g_queue_new();
g_queue_foreach(q, g_func(type, name,
name = __VA_ARGS__;
g_queue_push_tail(private_res, name);
), NULL);

GQueue* add_code_tags(Options* options, GQueue* blocks) {

GQueue* indent_blocks(GQueue* blocks) {
return g_queue_map(blocks, Block*, b,
b->kind == Narrative ? b :
b->kind == Code ?
union_new(Block, Code, .code =
indent(options->code_symbols->Indented.indentation, b->Code.code)) :

GQueue* surround_blocks(GQueue* blocks) {
return g_queue_map(blocks, Block*, b,
b->kind == Narrative ?
union_new(Block, Narrative, .narrative =
g_strjoin("", NL, g_strstrip(b->Narrative.narrative), NL, NULL)) :
b->kind == Code ?
union_new(Block, Code, .code = g_strjoin("",
NULL)) :


return options->code_symbols->kind == Indented ? indent_blocks(blocks) :
options->code_symbols->kind == Surrounded ? surround_blocks(blocks) :

char* stringify(GQueue* blocks) {
GString* res = g_string_sized_new(2048);
g_queue_foreach(blocks, g_func(Block*, b,
g_string_append(res, extract(b));
), NULL);
return g_strchug(res->str);

void deb(GQueue* q);

char* translate(Options* options, char* source) {

GQueue* blocks = blockize(options, source);
blocks = process_phases(options, blocks);
return stringify(blocks);

Parsing the com­mand line

In glib there is a com­mand line parser that ac­cept op­tions in unix-like for­mat and au­to­mat­i­cally pro­duces pro­fes­sional –help mes­sages and such. We shoudl re­ally have some­thing like this in .NET. Pheraps we do and I’m not aware of it?

typedef struct CmdOptions { char* input_file; char* output_file; Options* options;} CmdOptions;

CmdOptions* parse_command_line(int argc, char* argv[]);

static char *no = NULL, *nc = NULL, *l = NULL, *co = NULL, *cc = NULL, *ou = NULL;
static char** in_file;

static int ind = 0;
static bool tests = false;

// this is a bug in gcc, fixed in 2.7.0 not to moan about the final NULL
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-field-initializers"

static GOptionEntry entries[] =
{ "language" , 'l', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &l ,
"Language used", "L" },
{ "output" , 'o', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME, &ou,
"Defaults to the input file name with mkd extension", "FILE" },
{ "narrative-open" , 'p', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &no,
"String opening a narrative comment", "NO" },
{ "narrative-close" , 'c', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &nc,
"String closing a narrative comment", "NC" },
{ "code-open" , 'P', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &co,
"String opening a code block", "CO" },
{ "code-close" , 'C', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &cc,
"String closing a code block", "CC" },
{ "indent" , 'i', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &ind,
"Indent the code by N whitespaces", "N" },
{ "run-tests" , 't', G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &tests,
"Run all the testcases", NULL },
"Input file to process", "FILE" },
{ NULL }
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop

Brain dam­aged way to run tests with a -t hid­den op­tion. Not pay­ing the code size price in re­lease.

#ifndef NDEBUG
#include "tests.c"
Here is my big ass command parsing function. It could use a bit of refactoring …

void destroy_arena_allocator();

CmdOptions* parse_command_line(int argc, char* argv[]) {

GError *error = NULL;
GOptionContext *context;

context =
g_option_context_new ("- translate source code with comemnts to an annotated file");
g_option_context_add_main_entries (context, entries, NULL);
g_option_context_set_summary(context, summary(s_lang_params_table));

if (!g_option_context_parse (context, &argc, &argv, &error))
report_error("option parsing failed: %s", error->message);

CmdOptions* opt = g_new(CmdOptions, 1);
opt->options = g_new(Options, 1);

#ifndef NDEBUG
if(tests) {
int i = run_tests(argc, argv);

if(!in_file) report_error("No input file");
opt->input_file = *in_file;

// Uses input file without extension, adding extension .mkd (assume markdown)
opt->output_file = ou ? ou : ({
char* output = g_strdup(*in_file);
char* extension = g_strrstr(output, ".");
extension ? ({
*extension = '0';
g_strjoin("", output, ".mkd", NULL);
}) :
g_strjoin("", output, ".mkd", NULL);

if(l) { // user passed a language
LangSymbols* lang = lang_find_symbols(s_lang_params_table, l);
if(!lang) report_error("%s is not a supported language", l);

opt->options->start_narrative = lang->start;
opt->options->end_narrative = lang->end;

} else {
if(!no || !nc) report_error("You need to specify either -l, or both -p and -c");

opt->options->start_narrative = no;
opt->options->end_narrative = nc;

if(ind) { // user pass g_option_context_free();
opt->options->code_symbols = union_new(CodeSymbols, Indented, .indentation = ind);
} else {
if(!co || !cc) report_error("You need to specify either -indent, or both -P and -C");
opt->options->code_symbols =
union_new(CodeSymbols, Surrounded, .start_code = co, .end_code = cc);

return opt;

Some win­dows pro­grams (i.e. notepad, VS, …) add a 3 bytes pre­lude to their utf-8 files, C does­n’t know any­thing about it, so you need to strip it. On this topic, I sus­pect the pro­gram works on UTF-8 files that con­tain non-ASCII chars, even if when I wrote it I did­n’t know any­thing about lo­cal­iza­tion.

It should work be­cause I’m just split­ting the file when I see a cer­tain ASCII string and in UTF-8 ASCII chars can­not ap­pear any­where else than in their ASCII po­si­tion.

char* skip_utf8_bom(char* str) {
unsigned char* b = (unsigned char*) str;
return b[0] == 0xEF && b[1] == 0xBB && b[2] == 0xBF ? (char*) &b[3] : // UTF-8
(char*) b;

Not free­ing mem­ory (again)

The rea­son I haven’t been free­ing mem­ory all along is be­cause I was plan­ning on us­ing an arena al­lo­ca­tor (a kind of lin­ear al­lo­ca­tor).

Memory man­age­ment is fully hor­tog­o­nal to the style of pro­gram­ming de­scribed in this post. You can do it what­ever way you pre­fer, but there is a cer­tain affin­ity be­tween an arena al­lo­ca­tor (or garbage col­lec­tion) and func­tional pro­gram­ming be­cause of the tem­po­rary ob­jects cre­ated in ex­pres­sions. You could cre­ate the tem­po­rary ob­jects ex­plicitely, but that would di­min­ish the con­cise­ness of the par­a­digm.

I have an arena al­lo­ca­tor im­ple­men­ta­tion here. In the code be­low I com­ment it out so that you don’t have a de­pen­dency from that code if you want to try this. The pro­gram runs so quickly and it does so lit­tle that you can prob­a­bly let the op­er­at­ing sys­tem reclame mem­ory at the end of the process life.

If you ended up in­te­grat­ing this with an ed­i­tor (i.e. lit­er­ate pro­gram­ming edit­ing), you’d need to be more care­ful.

#ifdef ARENA

Arena_T the_arena;

inline static
gpointer arena_malloc(gsize n_bytes) {
return Arena_alloc(the_arena, n_bytes, __FILE__, __LINE__);

inline static
gpointer arena_calloc(gsize n_blocks, gsize n_block_bytes) {
return Arena_calloc(the_arena, n_blocks, n_block_bytes, __FILE__, __LINE__);

inline static
gpointer arena_realloc(gpointer mem, gsize n_bytes) {
return Arena_realloc(the_arena, mem, n_bytes, __FILE__, __LINE__);

void arena_free(G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer mem) {
// NOP

void set_arena_allocator() {
GMemVTable vt = (GMemVTable) { .malloc = arena_malloc, .calloc = arena_calloc,
.realloc = arena_realloc, .free = arena_free,
.try_malloc = arena_malloc, .try_realloc = arena_realloc};

the_arena = Arena_new();

void destroy_arena_allocator() {



I have to say, it did­n’t feel too cum­ber­some to struc­ture C code in a func­tional way, as­sum­ing that you can use GLib and a cou­ple of GCC ex­ten­sions to the lan­guage. It cer­tainly does­n’t have the prob­lems that C++ has in terms of de­bug­ging STL fail­ures.

There are a cou­ple of things I don’t like about GLib and I’m work­ing on an hobby pro­ject to over­come them. Eventually I’ll post it.

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
#ifdef ARENA

CmdOptions* opt = parse_command_line(argc, argv);

char* source = NULL;
GError* error = NULL;

if(!g_file_get_contents(opt->input_file, &source, NULL, &error))

source = skip_utf8_bom(source);

char* text = translate(opt->options, source);

if(!g_file_set_contents(opt->output_file, text, -1, &error))

#ifdef ARENA

return 0;


"We shoudl really have something like this in .NET. Pheraps we do and I'm not aware of it?"
Simple source level single file dependency. Works a treat.

Pretty cool. I knew someone would have done it.

Alois Kraus


A C# console applicaion template with a more functional command line parser is also on Code Gallery: http://visualstudiogallery....

thanks Alois.

Terrance Smith


Dude, I am way impressed. F# and C are both languages I slowly am attempting to achieve some sort of mastery over so already relevant to my interests.
But then you did a F#->glib & C parser.
You just won the game.
I am curious about your other projects as well including your C lib Are you going to add licensing to your stuff or just have it out there?

LLib has the most liberal license I could find (BSD) and it just uses BSD components. All the rest is just out there. Use whatever you need.

I would like to have the source of the above implementation, but the link is missing. Searched your github, too. Did i miss it?

John Martin


I have a problem is is driving me crazy and I'm not sure how to post a question. It is regarding passing a pointer (int *Pointer;) to a function, having that function assign the pointer with malloc, then, when the function ends and I'm back in main, it destroys the pointer.

This looks like something to post on stackoverflow with a suitable repro case. Cheers.

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